When it is hot weather Parents please do not forget your children's SUN HAT and they must have SUMCREAM on BEFORE they attend pre-school (have cream in bag if they attend all day for a top up) otherwise they will not be allowed to play outside, which becomes very difficult for us due to staff ratios etc.
ALL children's skin will burn no matter the tone so please apply it.
Please also ensure your children's hair styles are easy for us to put on their hats as we dont want them to miss out.
Our Policy has always been no hat or cream no play.
If you have any further concerns please speak to managment.
Thank you.
All Parents we must remind you that it is an Ofsted requirement that children have access to outside play in ALL SEASONS. As long as its
not icy or slippery we will always be going outside, which is why we ask you to ensure your children are well wrapped up if its cold.
If very cold we will only go out for up to 20 minutes.
If hot we ensure they have plenty of shade, they have sun cream on with sun hats.
"Outdoor learning is fun – The outdoor environment should be enthralling and stimulating, whilst also being thought-provoking. All seasons – Schools and pre-schools should extend all-year-round opportunities for learning outdoors and finding adventure".
"The EYFS recognises the importance of outdoor learning and states that young children must have access to outdoor spaces. Outdoor learning plays a crucial role in helping children make sense of the world and grasp the basic concepts of science"
We must stress we can not keep a child in with 2 members of staff due to ratios. If your child is not well enough to go outside then please keep them at home.
Thank you.