
Ofsted Registration Number: EY431739   


Tel:07983 660 589





Our Lady's Pre-School

312 High Street
St Mary Cray





Learning to play together. Playing to learn together.
Learning to play together. Playing to learn together.

1st Autumn half term- Learning Colours and Shapes

Expressive arts and Design encourages curiosty, creativity, cognition, critial thinking and experimentation.

Final art or craft products may be developed indivdually, chiildren will often share and discuss their thoughts with others.


Language can be developed though sharing ideas, being involved in conversation and intruducing new vocabulary. The children will be encoruaged to learn new words such as "mixing, colours, rainbow, prism, shiny, bright, dark and light" etc.


The children will look at experimenting with colour and different textures.



2nd Half Autumn

d baking

This half term the children will still be learning to recognise their colours and shapes but incorperated in the festivals and celebrations we will be celebrating, such as, Diwali, Guy fawkes, Halloween, Christmas, and Rememberance Day.


The children will be encouraged to share their ideas and feelings and if their family celebrate a specfic festival, they are more than welcome to bring something in for show and tell.


Teaching children about different cultures and backgrounds, ensures all children feel included and respected.


We will also be learning the importance of trees during national tree week, and the children will collect and plant their own sicklemoor seeds, learning about how plants grow and why trees are so important to us, watching the trees change colour through Autumn.

We were luckily enough to watch some local tree cutters help clear some overgrowing trees in the playgroud and some children asked about "planting some new ones".


We ensure all the children have the opportunity to experience different natural textures such as pumpkins, soil, sand, playdough and baking gingerbread men.



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